Quantum Computing

Introduction to Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a new field of computer science that harnesses the power of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are too complex for classical computers. Quantum computers use special units of information called qubits instead of bits that can exist in a superposition of two states, allowing them to perform multiple calculations at once. They also exploit other quantum phenomena such as entanglement and interference to speed up their operations, and have the potential to revolutionize many areas of science, and technology. For example, they can be used in cryptography, artificial intelligence, chemistry, physics, and simulations. However, building and programming quantum computers is a challenging task that requires overcoming many technical and theoretical obstacles, which is why they are not being used yet. In this website, you will learn more about the basics of quantum computing, its applications, and its future applications. Hover over images to see its source.

Basics of Quantum Computing

Quantum Programming

Quantum programming is the process of writing software for quantum computers. Quantum programming languages are used to write quantum algorithms that can only be executed on quantum computers. This is quite different from classical programming because quantum computers use qubits instead of bits, which exist in multiple states at once and allow quantum computers to perform multiple operations simultaneously. Quantum programming is still in its early stages, and few quantum programming languages are available. Most quantum scripts are run on simulations rather than actual quantum computers because of their high current operation cost.

Example of a simple quantum circuit

picture of a quantum circuit

Representation of a Qubit

diagram of qubit

Classical Computer vs Quantum Computers

Classical Computing Quantum Computing
Used in computers today Used in quantum computers
Based on classical physics Based on quantum mechanics
Uses bits to represent data Uses qubits to represent data
Can only be in one state at a time Can be in multiple states at the same time
Limited by the speed of light Not limited by the speed of light (by entanglement)

How Quantum Computers Work

  1. Quantum bits (qubits) are used instead of classical bits.
  2. Qubits can exist in multiple states at once (superposition), which allows them to perform multiple operations simultaneously.
  3. As a result, there are many more possible states with qubits compared to regular bits.
  4. Qubits can be entangled with each other, meaning the state of one qubits depends on the state of another.
  5. As more qubits are entangled, the ability of the system to make calculations grows exponentially.

Example of a Quantum Computer

picture of quantum computer second picture of quantum computer